Diabetes mellitus (DM), or simply, diabetes, is a group of diseases characterized by high blood glucose levels that result from defects in the body's ability to produce and/or use insulin. Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism, the way the body uses digested food for growth and energy. Most of the food that people eat is broken down into glucose, the form of sugar in the blood.
As the longevity of the population increases, the incidence of diabetes-related complications also increases [Andersen and Roukis, 2007]. Among the complications of diabetes are foot problems, the most common cause of non-traumatic limb amputation [Boulton et al, 2005]. The feet of people with diabetes can be affected by neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease, foot deformity, infections, ulcers and gangrene.
Background in DF thermography- In DF disease, the early diagnosis is one of the key issue. Once DF is detected, the patient can benefit of dedicated treatments which are associated to DF education, regular foot care, and therapeutic foot insole. However, the incidence of serious complications, i.e. the occurrence of an ulcer and associates lower limb amputations, could further be reduced according to diabetes experts. Among all possible features, temperature is an important characteristic.
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